Monday, July 31, 2006

7 Days in Counting

"It's the most wonderful time of the year..." As the classic goes! That's right parents, you know what I'm talking about, the first day of SCHOOL. I realize the excitment level varies in household and according to child. However, in this house it's your traditional "Norman Rockwell First Day". Ahhh, the clothes, the crayons, rulers, lunch boxes, the endless search for the perfect back pack that is sure to send my 37lb. 5yr. old over onto his back with his arms and legs flailing in the air because the thing weighs more than he does, and my favorite, the most prefectly pointed sharpened pencil not yet dulled by the first stroke. LOVE IT.

My kids are excited too. One is going into 2nd and the other in kindergarten. This will be my "break" year. Or maybe my "get ready" year. Or my "grow" year. You see, both of the children will be in school all day for the first time. Pretty big milestone for all involved. I have one year until our next little girl comes home from China. My plan is to take a break from the "bussy-ness" of life, get ready and organized for the new one to come and finally but most importantly growing in my relationship with Christ (
without whom I can do nothing).

So if you will excuse me, I believe I hear that wonderful sound of squeaky breaks and screaming children calling me to the front porch with my arm out streched in a "Hey, don't you pass this house buddy!", oh no, wait that's "Have a good day Sweetie!". I must go prepare for the school year of 2006-2007!

HAPPY FIRST DAY!!! (in 7 days)

Friday, July 28, 2006

A picture says a thousand words...

A picture says a thousand words...

This to me is a complete understatement. I am an artist. I believe everyone is an artist. Okay, okay, let me explain! Some just have not discovered how to let their creative side surface. Some don't realize that it already comes out in a variety of ways and because society has taught them they have to paint or make a pot from clay they don't believe they are creative or artistic. I had an art professor who once gave our class this to think about: Go into any kindergarten classroom and ask "Who can draw? Who is an artist? Who can create?". Just about every hand shoots up in the air with great enthusiasum. Go into that same class of kids in about eight years, say seventh grade, and ask that same question. You might get a couple of hands, maybe. Sad. And forget about asking adults. I'd say 90% claim to have no creative ability whatsoever. Something happens in that critical time in our young lives. Do we learn at such a young age to compare ourselves to others and listen to what society says even about our own personal expressions of art? It's in there, it has just been covered up, stifled, pushed in the back of our brains for so long.
I have not painted since college, or any other art form for that matter (not talking crafts here). Just been busy with life you know, marriage and family. But I miss it and realize it is a vital part of who I am. I am trying to get back into my art. My sweet husband made me an easiel/medevil catapult for the garage to get me started. (It is an extremely sturdy large herricane ready easiel!) So I am ready whenever I make the time. Showing my work is another issue. It is an extremely intimate part of an artist. Art is not about the end result, it is about the journey. With me, there is a lot of thinking, planning, prepration and inspiration. Lately I have been inspired by christian music and particular passages from God's Word, even though I have yet to draw these out and paint them, He is giving me a new perspective on passages and music I've heard a hundred times. So you see, to show a finished work or even a simple drawing to others is like unzipping my heart. Showing them what's going on inside my mind. It makes me vulnerable. However, I am going to get better at this because I believe God wants me to share more! I encourage everyone to do something creative, it's therapy! It gives your mind a break. Noone has to see it. If you like circles, just draw circles: big, little, inside, linked, all kinds. See, start small. It's the journey, not the end result.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

We Are DTC!

That's right, our dossier is on it's way to China in the next few days! It has "only" taken us 7 months. I, of course thought it was only going to take us 3-4 months to gather all this paperwork! Anyway, it's all good! For those of you not quite as familiar with the adoption process here is a quick break down:
Phase 1-Paperwork
Phase 2-The Waiting/Referal
Phase 3-Travel
So we have now entered the waiting phase. This is a good time (the adoption ring says) to find a project to do, connect with other adoptive partents at the same phase, find anything to keep your mind off how long you've been waiting and not drive yourself crazy. It is so hard to guess from beginnig to end how long all of the phases take. I have been telling everyone "Oh, about a year from now we hope to be traveling to bring her home." Well, that was 7 months ago and I am still saying the same thing! When you are in the hands of not only your own government but China's you learn to "roll with it". Now we just hope to have here home in the year 2007! That would be nice. But, God had all this planned before me!
Blog must be another word for ramble! I guess I will stop blogging/rambling now.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Welcome to our blog! I did it! I created this thing all by myself, can't believe it. I will be posting most of the time until we travel, then William will be adding his comments throughout our China trip. More on all that later though, gotta go learn how all this blog stuff works!